
Bachelor Of Engineering In Tool Design

Undergraduate Program



This program studies the fundamental laws and its application in technology to improve the welfare of mankind. Students will be learn to develop mathematical, analytical, experimental and laboratory skills, and scientific research.




Mathematics became a fundamental science for natural scientists, engineers, and social scientists to build an understanding of the world and create tools to improve the welfare of mankind. In ITS Mathematics Department, education and research activities are directed from pure mathematics to ITS application to various fields. There are three areas of expertise to choose from, namely analysis and algebra, applied mathematics, and computer science.




Statistics aims to develop statistics and their application in various fields, particularly in industry and business, computing, financial and actuarial, social and demographic, and environmental and healthcare. To achieve these objectives, the department established five laboratories as centers for the development and application of statistics and curriculum development centers.




Chemistry is the basic science that studies on the atomic and molecular scale. This science reveals more details about the molecular mechanisms underlying activity in living organisms. In this department, students are taught to understand the basic concepts of chemistry through lectures and laboratory experience.




Biology is a basic science that focuses on the exploration and investigation of life, from single molecules to interactions between living things and their environment. of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) , lecturers and students are directed not only to focus on fundamental aspects of living things, but also to address complex questions related to biosciences and biotechnology applications.



Actuarial Science

Actuarial is the science of financial risk management in the future. Actuarial science is a combination of the science of opportunity, mathematics, statistics, finance, and computer programming. It is a science that applies mathematical and statistical methods to assess risk in the insurance and financial industries.



Mechanical Engineering

In general, the field of mechanical engineering is operating within the limits of knowledge on science and engineering as well as exploring the various applications of science ranging from energy conversion, design, manufacturing to metallurgy. Department of Mechanical Engineering learns the principles of physics and then implemented it in the analysis, design, manufacturing, and maintenance of machinery.



Chemical Engineering

Chemical engineering engineers are creators of various small components in everyday life. Starting from clothes, fertilizer fuel, to food consumed every day. In general, chemical engineering is the science to design and operate a factory, equipment, and processes to convert raw materials into raw materials with higher economic value.



Engineering Physics

Engineering physics discipline is an education that combines engineering concepts with a strong mastery of Physics and Mathematics to produce creative and innovative applications. Students are equipped with the ability of research and development, design and analysis for various physical systems in the industry.



Systems and Industrial Engineering

Systems and Industrial Engineering is a combination of science engineering and social sciences or management. In this department, students will learn how to design, manage and apply all industrial elements, such as human, machine, method, material, and environment into systems related to the function of the factory.



Material and Metallurgy Engineering

Materials and metallurgy are the most multidisciplinary and dynamic science in engineering. Engineers explore the knowledge and understanding of the fundamental relationships between the structure, process, and performance of materials to create synthesis materials and develop new materials.



Food Engineering

The Food Engineering field of ITS focuses on aspects of food process design. The process design aspect considers all factors in designing a factory or industry, from raw materials to product quality, to produce a competitive food factory or industry.



Civil Engineering

ITS Civil Engineering Department carries the vision to become a referral center for the field of civil engineering in Indonesia that is innovative and internationally reputable. The Department has six focus areas of expertise that can be chosen according to students ' interests and abilities, such as geoengineering, structures, construction project Management (MP), Water resources management and Engineering (MRSA), Transportation Management and Engineering (MRT), and Asset Management (specifically in cooperation with the Ministry of Public Works).




ITS Architecture Department students are ready to build the best infrastructure to advance Indonesia. Students can choose courses or concentrations according to talents and abilities, including housing and settlements, theory, history and criticism of architecture, urban planning, environmental architecture, urban development management, development studies, Architecture planning, Education Profession Architecture (PPArs).



Environmental Engineering

Environmental Engineering studied and explored the areas of environmental engineering and management, such as Water Supply and Processing Technology, Wastewater Treatment and Treatment, Hazardous and Toxic Waste Management (B3), Waste Management, Environmental Pollution, Environmental Impact Assessment (AMDAL).



Regional and Urban Planning

The Regional and Urban Planning Department students who are able to improve Indonesia's urban areas. Students will learn about the ideal factors of the living environment, ranging from population, environment, political conditions, to the social condition of residents.



Geomatics Engineering

ITS Geomatics Engineering Department carries the vision of becoming an international-standard institution in the utilization, development of science and technology mapping surveys to support the geospatial information industry and the management of natural resources. The field of interest in the Department of Geomatics Engineering ITS outline can be grouped into four, namely the fields of geodesy, geomatics, Land, and hydrography.



Geophysics Engineering

Geophysics Engineering is the discipline of engineering and technology to examine the structure of the earth's coating under the surface of the earth by utilizing the physical properties of rocks/materials that exist on earth. It has a research field that includes among others Oil and Gas Exploration, Geothermal, Mining Materials or Economical Minerals, and Natural Disaster Mitigation.



Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding Engineering

Department of Engineering The shipping system aims to print professionals and young academics who have the ability to design installations, managerial, and maintenance and repair for various installations of ships and offshore buildings. The department also provides Double Degree programs in collaboration with Wismar University, Germany.



Marine Engineering

The Department of Marine Engineering is the oldest study program in Indonesia in the field of marine engineering. The department has been established since 1983 have the purpose of delivering graduates who are experts in the field of design, construction, maintenance of coastal and offshore structures, as well as the field of energy conservation and marine environment.



Ocean Engineering

Ocean engineering is the oldest study program in Indonesia in maritime engineering. The Department was established in 1983 under the auspices of the Marine Technology Faculty (FTK), which aims to produce graduates who are experts in the design, construction, and maintenance of coastal and offshore structures, as well as experts in the field of energy conservation and the marine environment.



Marine Transportation Engineering

The technology of maritime development in ITS has focused on hardware development such as ships, offshore building development, and ship systems. To that end, ITS requires a field of study that specifically studies the managerial and operational aspects of the ship (marine operations).



Offshore Engineering

ITS Offshore Engineering Department aims to produce young professionals and academics who have the ability to develop marine and deep-sea waters. This department has 5 areas of expertise that will support the development of offshore fisheries technology in the future.



Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering is a professional science that studies electrical applications, electronics, and electromagnets. lecturers and students are challenged to continue to innovate and develop new technologies to address various issues related to medicine, energy and the environment.



Biomedical Engineering

The Department of Biomedics was formed with the purpose to prepare the next generation who have strong analytical and synthesis skills in the field of Biomedical Instrumentation, Biomedical Signal Processing, Biomedical, Biomedical Signal, Biomaterial, and others.



Computer Engineering

Computer engineering is a discipline that embodies science and technology in designing, building, implementing, and maintaining software and hardware from modern computing systems, computer controlled devices, and intelligent networking devices. This science integrates electrical engineering and computer science.




Informatics students who are ready fulfill the needs of informatics experts, both in Indonesia and internationally. Lectures, students get a lot of computer-related knowledge and experience, structured programming, and in the bachelor stage, the students are entitled to choose the courses provided.



Information System

Information Systems's students studying the development and management of an information system, business process modeling, to the integration of information systems. In addition to improving the science of information systems, students also learn to be creative and innovative, have leadership traits, integrate, and can work well in a team.



Information Technology

Information technology produces students who are competent in Informatics, ready to compete and compete, and can contribute to the welfare of the community. Students of the Department of Information Technology will learn about programming languages, programming algorithms, computer networks, digital image processing, and much more.



Industrial Product Design

In the Department of product design students will learn to create an innovative idea in resolving the problems related to the product that is beneficial to the community. In addition, in the era of globalization and creative economy, innovation and creativity is one of the factors that can improve the excellence of a nation. So that the product design department can be a place to create professional designers who are ready to compete globally.



Interior Design

Interior design is a field of design science that studies layout planning and implement design concepts in the inner room to build the aesthetics of the interior, comfortable and safe for the resident. The department focuses on deepening and mastering the field of interior design expertise with real design objects that made graduates who are capable and highly competent in the field of interior design.



Visual Communication Design

Design Visual Communication students will learn to create communication that is formed in visual language so that the message that wants to be delivered is acceptable with a creative method. Visual Communication design graduates have the opportunity to work in the field of: Advertising, Branding, graphic design, publishing, printing, developer of animation and gaming, Film and television, with the profession as designer, Conceptualtor, illustrator or Animator.



Business Management

ITS Business management prepares graduates who able to pursue careers in the business world as a professional and businessman with a spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship. Business management students will be given insight into the strategic designers of technology-based business to manage the appropriate innovations for the development of Indonesian society.



Development Studies

The Department of Development Studies is a study program designed to assess development complexities specifically through the approachment of humanities and technology social sciences to achieve social welfare and to maintain environmental sustainability. The interest of this program includes the development of regional and tourism potential and development technology of maritime.


Bachelor Of Engineering In Tool Design


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