
What Is The Happiest Animal On Earth

Many animals await happy when they're in their natural habitat. They have their favorite food around, and they have their whole nest, pack or brood with them. How practise we know which happy animals are truly loving life?

To brand our picks, we chose animals that seem to have easy lives compared to others. We looked for animals known to engage in high levels of play.

Why does play matter? Contrary to what we used to think, scientists now believe animals don't just engage in play to acquire the skills they'll need in adulthood. We used to think, for case, that bear cubs "play fight" to acquire fighting techniques, or that tiger cubs stem each other because they're learning how to hunt.

Why Animals Play

Recent studies have questioned that conventional wisdom, however. It turns out that many animals use play similar nosotros do. They use information technology to bond with other members of their species, let off steam, reduce stress and learn more near their surround.

The happy animals on our listing seem to alive blissful lives with lots of room for play. Read on to learn about nature'south most fun-loving furballs.

#10 Happiest Animals: Kinkajou or Honey Deport

Happiest Animals: Kinkajou
Kinkajou (Potos flavus) on a tree branch. Kinkajous are sometimes called honey bears because they raid bees' nests. They use their long, skinny tongues to slurp dear from a hive.

Mark Caunt/

This beautiful creature is native to the tropical rainforests of Central America. It has thick, fluffy fur that helps go on information technology dry out while it's swinging through the damp tropical weather.

Kinkajous take long tongues that help them catch their favorite insects and grubs to swallow. Kinkajous accept a powerful sweet molar and often raid bees' nests to go honey. This is the source of the nickname "love carry" for these adorable little mammals.

Kinkajous travel in small family groups and frequently fill the forests with their loud squeaks and barks. You tin can see these happy animals at the San Diego Zoo and the Phoenix Zoo.

#ix Happiest Animals: Bluebird

Happiest Animals: Bluebird
Male Eastern Bluebird Perched on Budding Limb in Early on Spring. A bluebird can spot caterpillars and insects in tall grass at a remarkable distance of over 50 yards.

Bonnie Taylor Barry/

There'southward a reason this stunning songbird is known as the bird of happiness. The eastern bluebird, mount bluebird, and western bluebird are known for their gorgeous coloring and for living in large, sociable groups.

Bluebirds bring color and a glorious song to any garden. They're too smashing at eating grubs and other unwanted insects. These sweet, happy animals but want to observe a nest and sing.

In many cultures, bluebirds are a sign of the coming of spring and a symbol of happiness.

These cute birds were once common in North America. The introduction of invasive species, peculiarly European firm sparrows, was devastating to native bluebird populations. Fortunately, near birders treasure bluebirds. Bluebird boxes have become a popular item in parks and gardens, and they have helped their numbers increment.

#8 Happiest Animals: Opossum

Happiest Animals: Opossum
Opossums are the merely known North American marsupial. They tin can eat ticks by the thousands.

Like squirrels, opossums are and so common you may non detect how happy they are. With few predators and impervious to many diseases, including rabies and snake venom, opossums live an untroubled life.

These gentle marsupials are sometimes called "nature'southward cleanup crew." Because they eat everything, they clean harmful pathogens, waste, and even ticks from the environment.

They're as well fun to watch. They savor hanging from their tails and cuddling with each other. When her babies are likewise big to live in her pouch, a mama possum carries them on her dorsum.

These harmless helpers are often misunderstood. If you see one in your k, thank it for helping you lot stay rubber.

#7 Happiest Animals: Penguin

Happiest Animals: Penguin
Adelie penguins diving into the water (Hope Bay, Antarctica). The black and white "tuxedo" look donned by about penguin species is a clever camouflage called countershading.


Penguins spend their lives in some of the harshest environments on earth, just that doesn't deadening them down. They are known for their stiff family ties and ability to protect each other from bigger, fiercer predators.

When they're not migrating across the frozen tundra, penguins enjoy outdoor sports similar tobogganing beyond the water ice into the h2o, diving, and fishing. Even without snow, S African penguins are conspicuously having fun when they waddle down the embankment for a swim.

Many zoos have penguins. The Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha has an emperor penguin exhibit, and the Edinburgh Zoo has had great success breeding several penguin breeds. The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore has African penguins.

#6 Happiest Animals: Laughing Kookaburra

Happiest Animals: Laughing Kookaburra
Two Kookaburras sitting on a branch. Kookaburras are famous for their telephone call, which sounds similar laughter.


We can't leave out an beast that spends its life laughing.

The largest member of the kingfisher family, the laughing kookaburra is a pretty bird with brown and white feathers. The wild, laughing call of the kookaburra is one of the most distinctive sounds of the Australian bush. Kookaburras usually express mirth at dawn and dusk, but they can do it any time.

These birds throw their heads back and open their mouths wide when they express mirth. Usually, i member of a family volition offset and wait for the others to join. If some other kookaburra family is nearby, they will also join in until the sky is filled with their calls.

Zoo Atlanta, the Australia Zoo and the Belfast Zoo in Ireland have kookaburras.

#five Happiest Animals: Crow

Happiest Animals: Crow
Carrion crow (Corvus corone) black bird perched on a branch. Crows are extremely intelligent birds. They are known for their problem-solving skills and amazing communication skills.

Rudmer Zwerver/

Crafty crows are known for their intelligence and loud, rasping caws. These curious birds tin learn to mimic the intonations of human voices. They also remember which humans were kind to them and which ones weren't. Even more impressive, they pass that information onto their children.

Scientists take observed crows playing pranks on each other and engaging in advanced types of play. They will swing from branches, slide down inclines and hibernate objects from each other, all just for fun.

Crows are sociable and cooperative. When they're non tricking each other, they're imparting valuable information to young crows. Before they discover mates, male crows will roost together in a kind of bird bachelor pad.

These birds conspicuously know how to enjoy life.

#4 Happiest Animals: Donkey

Happiest Animals: Donkey
Family unit of donkeys outdoors in bound. Donkeys are loyal and loving creatures. Some people call them the dogs of the livestock world!


Playful, intelligent donkeys know how to make the well-nigh of every day. They enjoy socializing and preparation each other. In fact, they get depressed if they're lonely, but they will perk up if they have some caprine animal friends to hang out with.

Donkeys live in every role of the world, but they are especially suited to desert climates. There are wild donkey herds in the U.Southward., northern Africa, and the Middle E.

Donkeys accept a reputation for beingness stubborn, but that stubbornness is a sign of their intelligence. Donkeys refuse to become anywhere if they think information technology's unsafe.

You can spot wild donkeys in the Nevada and California deserts. Agia Marina is a sanctuary for domestic donkeys in Greece. The Ass Sanctuary in Sidmouth, U.Grand., operates donkey rescues around the world.

#three Happiest Animals: Dolphin

Happiest Animals: Dolphin
Dolphins are caring creatures, often seen tending to the ill, the sometime and the injured in their group, which is known as 'pod'.

These friendly marine mammals e'er expect like they're smiling or laughing, which makes u.s.a. wonder, what'due south the joke? Dolphins take a great time equally they leap through the air and into the water.

Dolphins are among the world's most intelligent animals. They have learned to utilise tools and have adult complex communication systems with each other. They are likewise caring animals. Instead of abandoning injure or weak members of their group, dolphins will assist them reach the surface and become nutrient.

These sociable, intelligent, and compassionate animals live a glorious life, and that'due south probably why they're always smiling.

#2 Happiest Animals: Caprine animal

Happiest Animals_ Goat
Goats were one of the starting time animals to be tamed by humans and were beingness herded ix,000 years agone.


Whether they're wild goats dashing up a steep mount or domestic goats prancing in a farm field, these sociable, happy animals are fun to watch. Their wise little faces, brusque beards, and prancing movements make them hard to resist.

Contrary to what some people think, goats are make clean animals who prefer clean food and not trash. That said, they're non that picky virtually what they eat and will try to taste everything.

Goats are and so mellow and happy that they often work as "therapy goats" to at-home downwards anxious horses. You tin find "goat yoga" studios that utilise goats to raise the relaxing furnishings of yoga.

Domestic goats are far from endangered, but many wild goat species are endangered. You tin see pygmy wild goats at the Oakland Zoo. The Smithsonian Zoo in Washington, D.C., has Nigerian dwarves and San Clemente Island goats.

#1 Happiest Animals: Squirrel

Happiest Animals_ Squirrel
Two ground squirrels (Xerus inaurus) playing, Kalahari desert, South Africa. Squirrels tin can jump a altitude of up to twenty feet. They have long, muscular hind legs and short front end legs that work together to aid in leaping.


As the second nearly intelligent rodent (after rats), squirrels are feisty survivors who live in every corner of the globe. Squirrels accept learned to thrive in suburban and urban environments, and they are important parts of these ecosystems.

Squirrels seem to spend their days hunting for food, burying that same food, leaping between tree branches and chasing each other. These little guys never seem to sit however. They provide hours of amusement when you watch them in your thousand or a urban center park.

The squirrel family includes chipmunks, groundhogs, and prairie dogs. These are all happy animals in their ain way, but squirrels have the prize for looking like they're always having a blast.

Side by side Upward: Top Eight Virtually Aggressive Animals in the World


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